Some might say this is just a way for Libbi Gorr to explain her (*cough) ‘occasional lateness’, but we wouldn’t dream of suggesting that…
If you do find yourself perpetually late then you’re in good company, as one-in-five people struggle to be on time.
Why does it keep happening, and what should you definitely NOT say to someone who is regularly tardy?
Grace G Pacie has some help at hand as she’s written a book on this very topic.
“LATE! a timebender’s guide to why we are late and how we can change”
Duration: 12min 13sec
ABC Radio Melbourne Interview Pacie Interview on SiriusXM
Dr Dennis Popeo, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine, interviews Grace Pacie about her new book for 25 minutes on SiriusXM Radio.
Has COVID-19 Cured Your Lateness Habit?
Returning to work after lockdown may literally be a totally new experience for the 20% of the population who struggle with a lateness habit – they should now find it no problem to be punctual, or even early – but will it last? The daily commute can be a painful...
What is Your Secret Scale of Acceptable Lateness?
Everyone is late sometimes. We might be always on time for work, but always late when meeting friends. Or always late for family parties but always on time otherwise. Even people who are late 99% of the time can make it on time to an important job interview or court...
Where do you fit on the lateness scale?
Where do you fit on the lateness scale?Are you anxiously early, or annoyingly late, or are you one of the majority who has an easy relationship with punctuality? Take this quick 10 question quiz to find out where you fit on the scale.“This subject...
I’m Sorry I’m Late But…
Apologizing for being late is one of the big moral dilemmas. It’s a bit like farting, or eating the last brownie – do you mention it, or do you just keep quiet and hope no-one has noticed? Do you come clean and apologize, or is it OK to blame it on the dog? Marilyn...
How to stay friends with a Timebender
“I had a roommate/best friend who was always late. In the beginning of our friendship, I would wait stupid amounts of time for him to get his shit together. Later on in our friendship I realized I was indirectly condoning his behavior by waiting for him. So instead of...
Three tried and tested tricks to get you to your goal on time.
''LATE! A Timebender’s guide to why we are late and how we can change" lists 20 tried and tested tips to get you to your goal on time. Here are three of the best: Involve other people If others are tied into the same deadline as us, you don’t have to rely on your own...
Timebenders – How do we stop being late?
Here are the twenty tricks to get you to your goal on time, taken from LATE! A Timebender’s guide to why we are late and what we can change DEADLINES Deadline Tip 1: Always ask for a Deadline Deadline Tip 2: Involve Other People Deadline Tip 3: Take off your Watch...
You Can’t Manage Time – Guest Post by Catherine Stothart
"I’ve got too much to do”……”I haven’t got enough time”…… “I need to go on a time management course”. Sounds familiar? Most of us have said these things. It’s a real problem – the relentless pressure of too much to do in the time available can cause stress and...
Three Essential Guidelines for Living With Someone Who is Always Late
LATE! A Timebender’s guide to why we are late and how we can change lists 12 tried and tested guidelines for living with someone who is chronically late. Here are three of the best: 1. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines! A deadline is the trigger which motivates a...